Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to Make Someone Wet the Bed!!!

Making someone wet the bed is a highly amusing experience... unless you are the victim. It is one of the most simple but most embarassing of pranks. Warm water will cause an instinct to piss with people, and this might make them wet the bed if they are asleep. For those who don't know this prank, here's how to do it:

  1. Get a cup of lukewarm water. A cup meaning the amount, not the container. A thin plastic bowl (disposable, if possible) is best, since it is weak enough to be knocked over, but durable enough that it won't crack if dropped. (A mortified victim probably will want to take their anger out on something. Hopefully they will choose the bowl.)
  2. Bring the cup of warm water over to your "prankee". Be as quiet as possible. While you might not wake the victim, you may wake someone else who will wake the victim. They must be completely asleep in order for this to work, so you might want to prod them a few times to make sure they're not just trying to get to sleep.
  3. Gently place their fingers in the water.
  4. Wait. It may take a small amount of time for it to work, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. The longer you wait though, the higher the chance of discovery. If you don't care about leaving evidence (e.g if there are multiple persons in the room) then skip and go to the next step.
  5. Get away. It would probably be wise to just get back into bed at this point, and pretend that nothing happened. If questioned, just say you were asleep the whole time. It may be a lie, but it very well may save you from a beating.
  • You might want to dry off the victims fingers a little while after you've done your trick, but be very careful not to wake them up!
  • Don't make any loud noises or they might wake up.
  • Dispose of the evidence as soon as possible. Throw or put away the cup, paper towels, etc.
  • Your victim will probably make a dumb lie to cover up the fact that he or she wet the bed. They might say something like, "I sweat alot while I sleep, It's totally normal," or "I just had a wet dream."
  • If you find yourself as the victim of this prank, you know what to do next time.
  • Don't get caught pulling this prank or you might have to clean the bed. Yuck!
  • Do not test it on yourself. Everyone knows that this trick works. After all, you don't want to wet the bed yourself.
  • Be careful who you do this to. The victim will probably take it seriously.
  • If your victim makes a dumb lie, prove to other people that it is piss because it is yellow and has the same distinct smell that urine has.
  • If you record it on tape, do not make too much noise or use too much lighting
  • Puling this prank on a girl might not be a good idea. Girls have a higher tendency to freak out, be embarrased, and take out their anger on you.
Things you'll need:
  • A sleeping victim
  • A cup or bowl of lukewarm water
  • A video camera to record it (optional)
  • Towels

Thanks to www.wikihow.com for the material. If any of these posts are offending any copyright policy, you can kindly leave a comment. Steps will be taken immediately.

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