Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Make a Fake Error Message on Windows?

This is just a funny prank to pull on your friends using VBScript. You make a fake error message that has a message on it.


  1. Open Notepad. The quickest way is to press WIN-R, and type "notepad.exe" without the quotes.
  2. Copy and Paste the following code:lol=msgbox("Your Message Here",16,"Your Title Here")
  3. Change Your Message Here to a message, and change Your Title Here to whatever you want to show on the Title Bar. I recommend using Error as a title.
  4. Go to File-Save as... and select All Files in the Save as type: and save the file as *.vbs and you're all done!
  5. Just double-click on the .vbs file and the error will pop up!

  • To make more than one window, add another line of code; for example: lol=msgbox("Your Message Here",16,"Your Title Here")
    lol=msgbox("Your Message Here",16,"Your Title Here")
  • This will make a second error message after someone clicks OK on the first message, and so on. This can get really annoying if you type the same code repeatedly. You will get repeated errors.
  • To make this error message more powerful  and to make it open every time someone logs in, copy it to Start-All Programs-Startup.

  • Don't add a million lines of code, because this is hard to abort once started.

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How to Act Like You Understood a Joke when You Really Did Not

Has someone ever told you a joke and you didn't get it but laughed anyway? And then worried straight away that the person telling the joke and others who "got it" just know you are faking it? Maybe it's time to work out how to get this down pat. Here are some thoughts.


  1. Don't laugh too loudly because people will give you strange looks. Especially if nobody really thought it was "that" funny.
  2. Don't laugh for too long because people will think you are hamming it up and will guess you are faking.
  3. Try and find out what is so funny about the joke, think about it but again not for too long.
  4. Don't ask questions like, "wait, so the chicken crossed the road why again?" That spoils the effect and bothers everyone. Ask later from someone you can trust to tell you.
  5. Never try to tell a joke you don't get to another person. It won't work, especially if they ask you why it is funny.

  • If someone starts telling you a joke that you know you won't understand, excuse yourself politely saying that something urgent has just cropped up, or you've just seen someone you haven't caught up with for ages.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to Play the Best Pranks on April 1?

What only happens once a year and you normally don't see it coming? April Fool's Day! Here are some suggestions for how to play a few pranks on unsuspecting friends.


  1. Some pranks!
  2. - Coffee break: on April 1st instead of putting sugar in your parents'coffee, put salt.
  3. - Sew! A simple needle and thread become the tool for creating mischief . Our mission? Sew all of Dad's underpants together. This is easy enough as it requires only a few stitches at the side seams. Then they are neatly folded and placed back in his drawer...
  4. - Heavy coins. Just superglue coins to the pavement. You'll need to find a spot that is both heavily trafficked and suitable for gluing; a front sidewalk or driveway works well, though you may need to clean the surface to get the coins to stick.
  5. - Classroom Switcheroo: Arrange for the school dean (or someone else) to call the teacher into her/his office or somewhere else. While she/he's gone, get up, change seats and hide your faces in large textbooks!
  6. - The Door: Put a sign on a front door (maybe of your class) where you've written "WET PAINT - please use the back door". It depends on the door, so maybe instead of a "front-back door" you may use "on tour left/right"! The victim will walked around to the back door where there is the same sign saying "WET PAINT -- please use the front door". See her reaction! But don't forget to say "April Fool"!
  7. The last, but not the least: you're a victim? Simply tell the prankster that it isn't April Fools' Day until tomorrow and that today is only March 32nd!

  • Make sure it is April 1st. If it's any other day, and you find yourself shouting "April Fools!", the joke is on you!
  • Tips: The best pranks happen when the person is caught off guard.
  • Early morning is the best time to play them because people do not think clearly and do not realize that it is April first.
  • The classic ending to a prank is someone popping out to say "April fools". But the more creative you get the more fun it is.
  • Put signs up in places that they will eventually see! And remember, be creative.

  • There is nothing worse than an over-used prank.

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How to Kill a Joke

Has someone you didn't like ever made a joke you wanted to ruin? Here is how to do it.


  1. Pay close attention to the joke. Try not to get distracted by anything else.
  2. Make random remarks and outbursts, such as "Wait, I think I've heard this joke before somewhere"
  3. Right before the person gets to the end, start laughing really loudly. This step is important. Try not to make it too early, or you will look like a complete idiot. If you do it too late, it will seem like you are laughing with everyone else.
  4. If the person telling the joke says "This is so funny" before they start telling the joke, then halfway through the joke, start laughing hysterically, and say " Oh, that is funny!" Trust me, it annoys people terribly!

  • It helps if you have know the particular joke, or have heard one similar to it.
  • If you fail to laugh before the person finishes, try laughing far too long. Exaggerate and annoy.
  • If you keep killing people's jokes, you won't be liked much.

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How to wake a person who is pretending to be asleep

When someone is asleep, really or falsely, there are always methods to wake them up. A person who is actually sleeping can be waken up somehow, however only few methods exist to wake someone who is pretending.

  1. Try waking up the person normally. Make completely sure that the person is pretending and not actually asleep.
  2. Pretend to walk into the person's room stealthily and do things like opening his cupboard, his lockers or purses. This may make the 'fraud' sleeper anxious and he will wake up.
  3. If that did not work, try speaking some gossip about the sleeper, in a way that he could hear. This will enrge him and he will finally wake up.
  4. Or else try to ugly his face by spreading ink on it. He will grew furious
  5. If none of the above work, run towards the refrigerator, tak an ice cube or two from the freezer come back and put it into his shorts. He can't withstand the freezing cubes. He will be awake at once.
  • All actions you do must be noticed my the sleeping fellow, but he must think that you didn't notice that he is knowing what is happening. Otherwise the tricks will fail and you have to resort only to the ice cube technique.
  • FIRST MAKE SURE THEY ARE PRETENDING ONLY. If they are really asleep, any of the above tricks may prove to be dangerous to body or mind or both.
  • Do not put animals in their mouth.
  • Do not pour large amounts of water on them.
  • Do not try anything dangerous like dropping bricks on their head or tipping the mattress over.
  • Do not yell in their ear as old people might have a heart attack

How to Celebrate April Fool's Day

What only happens once a year and you normally don't see it coming? April Fool's Day! Here are some suggestions for how to play a few pranks on unsuspecting friends. Although, given it's April Fools, you're likely to get them back! April 1st is on its way, and start planning right now, how to fool your friends.

  1. Make sure it is April 1st. If it's any other day, and you find yourself shouting "April Fools!", the joke is on you.
  2. Play a prank on someone! It does not have to be destructive. It can simply be a prank phone call, or an elaborate switch of their caffeine level of coffee.
  3. The best pranks happen when the person is caught off guard. Early morning is the best time to play them because people do not think clearly and do not realize that it is April first.
  4. The best pranks are those that have been planned out. You need to know the person's patterns and figure out the best way to disrupt them.
  5. The classic ending to a prank is someone popping out to say April fools. But the more creative you get the more fun it is. Put signs up in places that they will eventually see. Example: hide the victim's keys and place a post on their steering wheel.
  6. Laugh your head off because you got them. Don't come out to be a jerk when you laugh, as this could hurt the person's feelings.
  • Have fun because fun is the best thing to have!
  • Be creative. There is nothing worse than an over-used prank.
  • Do not be afraid to call off the prank if something goes wrong and could hurt someone. That's not good.
  • If you really want to get someone good, it will take about two whole weeks of planning. For example, if you want to play the sour coffee trick on your parents, or someone you can't just make them coffee the one day. To make it look normal, start making it a week in advance. Make sure the coffee is perfect. On April 1st instead of putting sugar in their coffee, put salt.
  • If you can, let your "victims" share in the laugh. The best pranks are the ones where the recipient laughs at himself or herself, or preferably, at the situation.
  • Another good time to try pranks is at the very end of the day, because they will begin to let their guard down and think April Fool's is "over"
  • Be aware that the person knows it is April first and will be on the look out for jokes. So make sure jokes are believable
  • Be careful of the degree of the prank. Pranks need to be light hearted and fun. Pranks that cause harm to people, either physically or mentally are never funny.
  • Be aware that friendships can be lost due to April fools pranks.
  • When planning a prank, make sure you do not hit a sensitive spot. Example. Making jokes about death is not a good idea if the person lost someone recently.
  • Make sure the person you mess with is in a good mood.
  • April Fools Day is when people are most likely to be aware of pranks. Be believable. Be real. Be yourself.

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How to Make Someone Wet the Bed!!!

Making someone wet the bed is a highly amusing experience... unless you are the victim. It is one of the most simple but most embarassing of pranks. Warm water will cause an instinct to piss with people, and this might make them wet the bed if they are asleep. For those who don't know this prank, here's how to do it:

  1. Get a cup of lukewarm water. A cup meaning the amount, not the container. A thin plastic bowl (disposable, if possible) is best, since it is weak enough to be knocked over, but durable enough that it won't crack if dropped. (A mortified victim probably will want to take their anger out on something. Hopefully they will choose the bowl.)
  2. Bring the cup of warm water over to your "prankee". Be as quiet as possible. While you might not wake the victim, you may wake someone else who will wake the victim. They must be completely asleep in order for this to work, so you might want to prod them a few times to make sure they're not just trying to get to sleep.
  3. Gently place their fingers in the water.
  4. Wait. It may take a small amount of time for it to work, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. The longer you wait though, the higher the chance of discovery. If you don't care about leaving evidence (e.g if there are multiple persons in the room) then skip and go to the next step.
  5. Get away. It would probably be wise to just get back into bed at this point, and pretend that nothing happened. If questioned, just say you were asleep the whole time. It may be a lie, but it very well may save you from a beating.
  • You might want to dry off the victims fingers a little while after you've done your trick, but be very careful not to wake them up!
  • Don't make any loud noises or they might wake up.
  • Dispose of the evidence as soon as possible. Throw or put away the cup, paper towels, etc.
  • Your victim will probably make a dumb lie to cover up the fact that he or she wet the bed. They might say something like, "I sweat alot while I sleep, It's totally normal," or "I just had a wet dream."
  • If you find yourself as the victim of this prank, you know what to do next time.
  • Don't get caught pulling this prank or you might have to clean the bed. Yuck!
  • Do not test it on yourself. Everyone knows that this trick works. After all, you don't want to wet the bed yourself.
  • Be careful who you do this to. The victim will probably take it seriously.
  • If your victim makes a dumb lie, prove to other people that it is piss because it is yellow and has the same distinct smell that urine has.
  • If you record it on tape, do not make too much noise or use too much lighting
  • Puling this prank on a girl might not be a good idea. Girls have a higher tendency to freak out, be embarrased, and take out their anger on you.
Things you'll need:
  • A sleeping victim
  • A cup or bowl of lukewarm water
  • A video camera to record it (optional)
  • Towels

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How to Make a Sleeping Person Angry?

Ever know someone you really don't like? Bored and out of practical jokes? Really want to tick someone off? This guide shows you through the easy steps of making a sleeping person, an angry person.

Steps : 

  1. Get some speakers and put them right outside of someone's door.
  2. Plug them in to the nearest wall socket but do not turn them on.
  3. Take a laptop with "1812 Overture" on it (A MP3 player or iPod will work great too, but a laptop is preferred because it can get insanely loud and it is rather easy to get to the part of 1812 you want). Open your media player of choice. Go to the really loud part of 1812 near the end with the cannons. Stop your music player right before that part.

    • Plug the speakers into your laptop.
    • Turn your music player volume to maximum.
    • Turn your computer volume to maximum.
    • Turn your speaker volume to maximum.
    • Turn on your speakers.
    • Turn on the music and run like heck.

  4. Making a sleeping person an angry person should not just be limited to the indoors! If you have speakers that are powered off batteries, you can do all this on camping trips or anyplace outdoors where someone is sleeping.
  • While "1812 Overture" is a great song to use for this, many other songs can replace it. Heavy rock is preferred, but metal works too. Country songs, Jazz, Blues, and ballads will not work.
  • Getting to the loud part of "1812 Overture" can sometimes be hard, but be patient! It will be worth it in the end.
  • If you want to cherish this memory forever, have a friend stand over your shoulder and record the whole incident with a sound-recording video camera. Then, put the video on one of your favorite video-uploading sites!
  • Sleeping people who get randomly woken up by loud music are very angry. You will likely get beat up by them after they wake up.
  • Loud noises can be a danger to your ears. Try to wear earplugs when making a sleeping person an angry person.
  • Again, sleeping people who get woken up by "1812 Overture" will more than likely try to beat you up, so it would be best to wear sneakers and run as soon as you hit play.
  • If you give this sleeping person a heart attack, you may feel guilt.
  • If you do manage to escape the angry person, they will more than likely destroy anything you leave behind, including but not limited to: your laptop/MP3 player, speakers, video camera, and extension cord. Try to take these things with you when running away.
  • It is not advisable to try making a sleeping person an angry person. In fact, I suggest that you do not try it at all.
Things you need:

  • Loud computer speakers
  • A laptop or MP3 player
  • (optional) An extension cord
  • (optional) A video camera with sound recording abilities
  • (optional) Sneakers
  • Sleeping person that you're mad at

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