What only happens once a year and you normally don't see it coming? April Fool's Day! Here are some suggestions for how to play a few pranks on unsuspecting friends. Although, given it's April Fools, you're likely to get them back! April 1st is on its way, and start planning right now, how to fool your friends.
- Make sure it is April 1st. If it's any other day, and you find yourself shouting "April Fools!", the joke is on you.
- Play a prank on someone! It does not have to be destructive. It can simply be a prank phone call, or an elaborate switch of their caffeine level of coffee.
- The best pranks happen when the person is caught off guard. Early morning is the best time to play them because people do not think clearly and do not realize that it is April first.
- The best pranks are those that have been planned out. You need to know the person's patterns and figure out the best way to disrupt them.
- The classic ending to a prank is someone popping out to say April fools. But the more creative you get the more fun it is. Put signs up in places that they will eventually see. Example: hide the victim's keys and place a post on their steering wheel.
- Laugh your head off because you got them. Don't come out to be a jerk when you laugh, as this could hurt the person's feelings.
- Have fun because fun is the best thing to have!
- Be creative. There is nothing worse than an over-used prank.
- Do not be afraid to call off the prank if something goes wrong and could hurt someone. That's not good.
- If you really want to get someone good, it will take about two whole weeks of planning. For example, if you want to play the sour coffee trick on your parents, or someone you can't just make them coffee the one day. To make it look normal, start making it a week in advance. Make sure the coffee is perfect. On April 1st instead of putting sugar in their coffee, put salt.
- If you can, let your "victims" share in the laugh. The best pranks are the ones where the recipient laughs at himself or herself, or preferably, at the situation.
- Another good time to try pranks is at the very end of the day, because they will begin to let their guard down and think April Fool's is "over"
- Be aware that the person knows it is April first and will be on the look out for jokes. So make sure jokes are believable
- Be careful of the degree of the prank. Pranks need to be light hearted and fun. Pranks that cause harm to people, either physically or mentally are never funny.
- Be aware that friendships can be lost due to April fools pranks.
- When planning a prank, make sure you do not hit a sensitive spot. Example. Making jokes about death is not a good idea if the person lost someone recently.
- Make sure the person you mess with is in a good mood.
- April Fools Day is when people are most likely to be aware of pranks. Be believable. Be real. Be yourself.
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